The ability to effectively communicate a message or an idea to someone else through verbal and nonverbal means. Included within this is the ability to know how and when to listen to others’ communication and to use communication to build interpersonal relationships with others.
At The Standard
The ability to effectively communicate a message or an idea to someone else through verbal and nonverbal means. Included within this is the ability to know how and when to listen to others’ communication and to use communication to build interpersonal relationships with others.
Performance & Understanding
What Does this Look Like?
They are able to write utilizing complex sentences.
They can appropriately provide feedback to and utilize feedback from others.
They are able to match the appropriate media to the message
They are able to convey a complex message, opinion, or argument through a variety of media.
They demonstrate courteous listening skills and values others’ opinions.
Above Standard
Is able to effectively and creatively communicate a message or an idea to someone else through verbal and nonverbal means in an innovative manner. The includes the ability to listen to others’ communication to build interpersonal relationships with others.
Performance & Understanding
What Does this Look Like?
The student has an impact on or is inspiring to the recipient.
They are insightful or adds a new perspective.
They are able to show innovative/creative use of media.
They are able to create additional thought in the recipient.