PreK-2 Career Awareness
Show student When I Grow Up by Al Yankovic (6 minutes) and then ask if there were any jobs they'd like to do when they're older.
Invite students to create a career self-portrait.
Make a list of occupations that would be easy to act out. Ask different students to come and pull out a name of a career and act it out.
Instruct the students that one-by-one, they will come up and pick out a “tool” from the “Bag-O-Jobs.” Once the student picks out a tool, ask the students to identify what jobs use that tool. Encourage students to think of multiple jobs in the community. (Possible items in Bag-O-Jobs could be ____________)
General Resources
Kent ISD
Career & College Readiness
Teacher resource featuring over 8700 media assets created by South Carolina ETV.
Teacher Resource with interactive lessons, videos, and formative assessments.