Critical Thinking & Problem Solving


The ability to generate innovative and creative solutions to issues of interest through the gathering, analysis and evaluation of relevant information. This includes thinking through how possible solutions fit into and affect a larger system, the validity of information and claims that others present, and the potential consequences of proposed solutions.

At The Standard

Performance & Understanding

Is able to independently generate solutions to issues of interest through the gathering, analysis, and evaluation of relevant information. This includes understanding how solutions fit into and affect a larger system, the validity of information and claims that others present and the potential consequences of solutions.

What Does this Look Like?

The student is able to analyze and evaluate whether information related to an issue/problem is relevant and valid, utilize systems thinking to propose how potential solutions affect a larger system, and propose potential consequences related to generated solutions.

Above Standard

Performance & Understanding

Is able to independently generate innovative and creative solutions to issues of interest through the gathering, analysis, and evaluation of relevant information. This includes understanding how solutions fit into and affect a larger system, the validity of information and claims that others present and the potential consequences of solutions.

What Does this Look Like?

They generate a unique/creative solution to
a problem of interest.

They anticipate and minimize the adverse consequences of a solution.

They reflect on the results of other similar solutions to inform how effective a proposed solution may be.