Ethical Citizenship
The ability to act in a caring and principled manner (e.g. with integrity, honesty, respect, and discernment) in order to promote the common-good of one’s community. Included within this is finding balance between attending to one’s own needs (e.g. spiritual, health, work, etc.) and the needs of others.
At The Standard
Performance & Understanding
Is able to independently act in a caring and principled manner with integrity, honesty, respect, and discernment for the common-good for the community. This includes the ability to find balance between attending to one’s own needs (e.g. spiritual, health, work, etc.) and the needs of others.
What Does this Look Like?
The student is able to notice and take action against violations of what is best for the community.
The student is able to care for themselves while at the same time demonstrating care for others.
Above Standard
Performance & Understanding
Is able to independently act in a caring and principled manner with integrity, honesty, respect, and discernment and actively promote the common-good of the community.
This includes the ability to one’s own needs (e.g. spiritual, health, work, etc.) and the needs of others.
What Does this Look Like?
The student is able to understand when individuals or systems may go against what is best for the community and proactively works to correct the situations prior to it becoming an issue.