Information Technology
The Information Technology industry encompasses a broad range of sectors dedicated to utilizing technology to store, transmit, and manipulate data effectively. From software development and cybersecurity to cloud computing and artificial intelligence, IT professionals are at
the forefront of shaping the digital landscape.
Did You Know?
First was Female
The first computer programmer was a woman named Ada Lovelace. She wrote the first machine algorithm in the 1840s.
Statistic provided by Encyclopedia Britannica. Please visit our Reference page, located in the footer, for more information.
Growing Market
Employment in software development occupations is projected to grow 26% from 2022 to 2032.
Statistic provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Please visit our Reference page, located in the footer, for more information.
Always Changing
Employees in information technology must embrace new tech to advance careers by learning and adapting.
Key Skills
Communication, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, and Technology Literacy.
Career Examples
Computer Programmer, Web Developer, Software Engineer, and IT Technician.
Industry Highlights
A promising career path in high demand for those with a passion for technology and problem-solving.
Information Technology
Ethical Hacker
Software Developer
Web Developer
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