Personal Accountability
The ability to productively work toward a goal with a positive attitude. Included within this is being reliable and dependable (e.g. being present and punctual) and having the confidence to take risks and hold oneself and others accountable for their work.
At The Standard
Performance & Understanding
Is able to independently generate solutions to issues of interest through the gathering, analysis, and evaluation of relevant information. This includes understanding how solutions fit into and affect a larger system, the validity of information and claims that others present and the potential consequences of solutions.
What Does this Look Like?
The student is able to independently work toward a goal with a positive attitude. This includes being reliable and dependable (e.g. -being present and punctual).
Above Standard
Performance & Understanding
The student is able to independently work toward a goal with a positive attitude. This includes being reliable and dependable (e.g. being present and punctual) and the confidence to take risks and hold oneself and others accountable for their work.
What Does this Look Like?
The student is able to look beyond their own personal accountability and raise the level of work and what is expected for the entire group/community (e.g. -when the student notices something goes wrong that is unrelated to their own actions, they do not turn a “blind eye” or say “it’s not my fault or business”).